
Sara Defratyka – Unobvious side of science – secondment at NPL
Have you ever thought about a proper receipt for making science? What ingredients do we need to do an excellent job as a scientist? Probably, the first things you thought about is the right equipment. And you are right! It is not possible to conduct an experiment without a good instrument. But what else? You…
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Patryk Lakomiec – PhD life in Sweden
I’m Patryk and I’m doing my PhD studies in Sweden. My ESR project is a little bit different from the other ESR projects within MEMO2. The first main difference is the source type. I measure over wetlands, which is a natural source of methane. Additionally, this is not a point source, it’s a spread source….
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ROMEO – afterwards impressions by Patryk Lakomiec
Learn more? Look here! The ROMEO campaign ended some time ago and now it’s time to say few words about that. I’m Patryk and I’m doing my PhD in Sweden, where I’m focused on methane fluxes from wetlands. For me this campaign was an opportunity to do measurements from different sources and with different range…
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Mila Stanisavljevic – Adventurous month in Germany
Just after the holidays and 2019 New Year eve, my secondment started in Germany at the Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University (UHEI). I have spent one fruitful month working together with ESR1 Piotr Korben at Dr. Martina Schmidt’s group. Before I collaborate with colleague Piotr (and part of his team) in terms of the…
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Malika Menoud – Let’s play with the isotopic signatures!
What I am doing in my PhD is to measure the isotopic signatures from different methane sources and at several locations. I’ve now started more than 2 years ago and start to have a decently large dataset of characterized sources. Let’s team-up with the people who are modelling the CH4 isotopes and see how we can…
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Barbara Szenasi – Secondment in the exceptionally sunny Netherlands!
Let’s start with something unusual; the Netherlands is normally not a sunny country, but it was exceptionally sunny during the four weeks of my secondment from mid-June to mid-July 2019. I would call it pure luck, some others may call it climate change. Anyway, the beautiful, not rainy, warm weather made my stay in the…
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MEMO2 @ home
Hi everybody out there! For our project we were used to lots of traveling, being in the field for sampling or meet our friends and colleagues during conferences. None of this is possible at the moment, but honestly there are currently much more important things in life. Supporting our society by not spreading the virus…
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Randulph Morales – Being closer to the environment in Wageningen
November 2019 Hello again! It is this time of the year again when I had to move out of Switzerland and visit one of our academic partners in the project. This time, I visited Wageningen University in the Netherlands! The Meteorology and Air Quality Group of Wageningen University runs a Direct Nuemerical Simulation (DNS) and…
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Randulph Morales – A research visit with an unexpected road trip: Secondment at LSCE
Hello! My name is Randulph. I am a Ph.D. student based in Switzerland working in the MEMO2 project. If you have been visiting this website faithfully, you might already know that MEMO2 is an EU Innovative Training Network. Being in a training network, this means that each Ph.D. student, including me, has the opportunity to…
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Mila Stanisavljevic – The isotopic signature of methane from coal mines facilities
The advantage of doing a PhD within a MSCA network is to have the opportunity of changing laboratories for some time, to e.g. work with different equipment as available at the host institutions or learn different techniques. It can also be fruitful to get to know other types of work/organization. In June 2019 I had…
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