Patryk Lakomiec – Quantification of landfill methane emissions – a method comparison study
This study, in which I participated for my secondment, was commissioned by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lund University, Sweco Environment, FORCE Technology, and ReSource.
It has been designed to provide detailed methane emission data using tracer gas dispersion technique, drone-based plume measurement, ground-based plume measurement and surface flux chambers at three landfill sites (one closed and two operational) located in Sweden, and to compare the different methods in terms of methane flux quantification, duration of measurement, uncertainties, suitability for different kinds of landfills etc.. The overall aim is to recommend a method for standardising measurements of fugitive methane emissions from landfills in Sweden.
More details are given in the published report about our measurements, and the pictures below give some impression of the field work done at the landfills.

Flux box system on the Filborna landfill, Helsingborg

Wind measurements on the top of the Slite landfill, 3D and 2D anemometers

Drone based measurements setup

LGR and voltage converter are the best partners on the measurements

Measurement setup for the OTM 33-A on the Slite landfill

Impression of Slite landfill, Gotland

OTM-33A on the Filborna landfill, Helsingborg